About Us


The Itasca Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) formed in 1981 as a 501c3 non-profit corporation dedicated to the creation of high-quality jobs in and around Itasca County. Financial support comes from an array of public and private partners, including a variety of grants, Itasca County, the McKnight Foundation, the Otto Bremer Trust, area businesses, and many more. Throughout its history, IEDC has established itself as a go-to resource for business retention, growth, and expansion.

Find our full Strategic Plan HERE!

IEDC Mission

  • To grow Itasca County through education, research, and engagement fostering business and economic opportunities. 

IEDC Vision

  • A diverse and growing economy that supports equitable opportunities for all of Itasca County. 


IEDC Values

  • Leadership: We drive opportunity through collaboration and inclusion
  • Openness: We communicate with transparency and candor
  • Innovation: We lead on new opportunities and research
  • Accessibility: We foster an equitable and approachable environment
  • Execution: We perform at a high level and aim for tangible outcomes




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